August 2021When people say that in their experience all programming languages
are basically equivalent, they're making a statement not about
languages but about the kind of programming they've done.99.5% of programming...
AI has gone from possible to inevitable to certain. Now, it’s up to us to define what comes next.
At our first-ever AI customer service summit, Pioneer, I delivered a...
October 2021If you asked people what was special about Einstein, most would say
that he was really smart. Even the ones who tried to give you a
more sophisticated-sounding answer would...
WASHINGTON—In a move designed to promote unity and establish efficiency at the federal level, President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday making the...
Pre-show: Marco messed with the system
Zoom F1
USB Pre 2
Schiit Jotunheim
New “Boundless” immersive episode: Arctic Surfing
Bono Autobiography
Prospects for humanoid robots
macOS testing (via Anonymous)
With apologies...