I Went To SQL Injection Court — Quarrelsome



Should public bodies in Illinois, like cities and school districts
and sheriff’s departments, be allowed to hide information from Freedom
of Information requests by keeping them in databases? That question is
before the 104th Illinois General Assembly, thanks to a bill sponsored
by Donald P. DeWitte, elected state senator by the wise citizens of
Batavia and Elgin (motto: “The City In The Suburbs”; indeed), and
prompted in part by my friend Matt Chapman.

I play a very small part in this story, so I get to tell it.


Illinois has an excellent,
toothy FOIA statute.

With very
few exceptions, any information collected by an Illinois public body
is public property. Anybody is entitled to ask for it. You can’t
generally be charged for asking. Public bodies can’t really limit the
number of requests you make. They get just 5 days to respond, with 5
additional extension days if requested in writing. Improper denials can
get you legal fee recovery if you sue over them, so there are lawyers
that will take these cases on contingency. It’s pretty neat!

I think people are too shy about making FOIA requests. It’s easier
than it looks! You just need to send an email to the public body you
want information from. Put “FOIA” in the subject line. By law, there’s
no more ceremony to it than that. And you’ll find that the people
responding to those emails are generally kind and happy to help.

The one big limitation of Illinois FOIA (with FOIA laws everywhere, really)
is that you can’t use them to compel public bodies to create new
records. Often, what you’ll be looking for is some kind of report about
some issue of public policy. If that exact report exists, you’re golden.
But if it doesn’t, you have to find and request the raw data for that
report, and you have to assemble it yourself. This limitation is about
to matter a lot.

To understand what’s happening in this story, I’m going to have to
explain a technical concept: the idea of a “database schema”. More and
more of the information tracked by public bodies now lives in databases,
rather than filing cabinets or shared drives. Databases are organized
according to schemas.

Think of a modern database as a huge Excel spreadsheet file, with
many dozens of tabs. Each tab has a name; under each of those tabs is a
separate spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet has a header row, labeling the
columns, like “price” and “quantity” and “name”. A database schema is
simply the names of all the tabs, and each of those header rows.

Congratulations! You now understand databases.

Matt Chapman vs. City of Chicago

My friend Matt is a self-styled “civic
hacker” and a national expert at performing data journalism with
large-scale FOIA requests. Matt’s love language is pushing FOIA statutes
to their limits, sniffing out buried data and bulk-extracting it with
clever requests.

A good example of the kind of stuff Matt does is this ProPublica
collaboration about how Chicago issues parking tickets. After Matt
was towed over a facially bogus ticket and successfully took the city to
court over it, he got curious about the patterns of towing for things
like compliance violations. As it turns out, parking tickets have pushed
thousands of Illinoisans into bankruptcy, and, once you get
your hands on the ticket data, it turns out there’s a very clear
pattern of majority-Black neighborhoods being systematically targeted
for higher enforcement.

In the course of this reporting work, Matt learned about a system
Chicago operates called CANVAS. CANVAS is the central repository for all
parking ticket data in the city. It’s a giant database, and Matt would
very much like to know what’s in it. So he filed a FOIA request for the
CANVAS database schema.

The city flatly refused. To do so, they relied on a specific
exemption in the statute:

“(o) Administrative or technical information associated with
automated data processing operations, including but not limited to
software, operating protocols, computer program abstracts, file layouts,
source listings, object modules, load modules, user guides,
documentation pertaining to all logical and physical design of
computerized systems, employee manuals, and any other information that,
if disclosed, would jeopardize the security of the system or its data or
the security of materials exempt under this Section.”

In plain English, this exemption says that public bodies aren’t
required to reveal information that might jeopardize the security of
their systems. You obviously can’t FOIA logins and passwords. You also
generally can’t FOIA the source code of programs they run. Chicago
claimed that Matt was a “hacker”, and that the CANVAS schema could in
the wrong hands put the city at risk.

With the help of Merrick Wayne and Matt Topic of Loevy and Loevy,
Matt sued the city. Here’s where I come in.

They Put Me On The Stand

Is the CANVAS schema too scary to give Matt Chapman? To decide that,
we have to answer a bunch of questions:

  1. Does disclosure of a database schema really jeopardize the security
    of the system?
  2. How plausible or likely does that jeopardy need to be?
  3. Does a database schema constitute “source code”?
  4. Is a SQL schema a “file format”?
  5. And, finally, does the “would jeopardize” language apply to
    everything in the exemption, or just to the nearest noun “any other

I’ve spent the last 25 years of my life doing software vulnerability
research, which is a stuffy way of saying that I’m a software developer
who looks for bugs in software that would let people do scary things.
Matt retained me as his expert witness for his trial, which took place
in Cook County Chancery Court. Lined up against me was Bruce Coffing, the
Chief Information Security Officer of the City of Chicago.

The trial
would revolve mostly around questions 1-3.

At this point, I need to read you in to another technical concept:
“SQL Injection”. “SQL” is the language most programs use to talk to
databases. “SQL Injection” is a security vulnerability that programs
that use SQL can have. It’s the primary way databases get attacked, and it’s
straightforward to explain.

Applications that use databases include in their code “SQL queries”,
which are form-letter templates of questions they might need to ask the
database; for instance:

Retrieve the dates of every parking ticket issued to ‘[INSERT

Now, let’s say it comes time to pull tickets for “Dave Arnold”. Simple: stick
his name in the template:

Retrieve the dates of every parking ticket issued to ‘Dave

But now imagine we need to look up “Bob O’Connor”:

Retrieve the dates of every parking ticket issued to ‘Bob

We’ve confused the database: the name in our query is surrounded by
quotes, but our name includes a quote. Normally, when your program has
this bug, it just generates an error message. But attackers look for
this bug, and do things like:

Retrieve the data of every parking ticket issued to ‘Bob O’ and also
all the rest of the information in the database including everyone’s

This works because the quote the attacker supplied cuts off the text
placeholder in the template; all the rest of the attacker’s input gets
interpreted as code, which the database executes.

Most of the people who will read this post are annoyed with me for
taking the time to explain SQL injection. But that is the experience of
getting on the stand in Chancery Court and making an argument that the
CISO of Chicago was wrong about database vulnerabilities: trying to
ensure that a judge shares your understanding of how software
vulnerabilities work.

On the other hand, if you’re one of my non-nerd readers,
congratulations, you now know how to hack the Internets. If anybody
asks, I didn’t tell you any of this.

The bench trial for Matt’s case came down to the question of whether
releasing the CANVAS schema would enable this attack. Specifically,
Bruce Coffing argued:

  1. The schema makes it possible to spot
  2. Further, it makes it easier for attackers to be
    sneaky about probing for vulnerabilities.
  3. Finally, it helps attackers
    pick which applications are most profitable to attack.

Coffing seems like a perfectly lovely and well-qualified person. But
no, no to all of this.

To Coffing’s first point: you don’t find SQL injection
vulnerabilities by reading database schemas. You find them instead in
the application’s source code, where those database template queries
live. Matt isn’t asking for source code. He just wants the header rows
from the tables.

Here I want to point out that I
fucked up in multiple ways expert-witnessing for Matt. For example,
in my affidavit, I wrote that SQL schemas would provide “only marginal
value” to an attacker. Big mistake. Chicago jumped on those words and
said “see, you yourself agree that a schema is of some value to an
attacker.” Of course, I don’t really believe that; “only marginal value”
is just self-important message-board hedging. I also claimed on the
stand that “only an incompetently built application” could be attacked
with nothing but it’s schema. Even I don’t know what I meant by

I recovered my footing when I came up with this argument: “Attackers
like me use SQL injection attacks to recover SQL schemas. The schema is
the product of an attack, not one of its predicates”. This, too, is
self-important puffery. But I’ll tell you who loves “products” and
“predicates”, especially used in relation to each other in a single
sentence: a Chicago Chancery Court judge.

To Coffing’s second argument, about the schema helping attackers stay
off his radar when they try attacks, the problem is that every computer
system connected to the Internet is being attacked every minute of every
day. The noise is deafening.

Thousands of people have built scanner bot programs that probe every
computer system they can find and fire batteries of well-known attacks
(almost none of them ever work, but bots don’t get bored and give up,
and eventually the teenager in Malaysia who launched the bot gets
lucky). Chicago has no operational response to people turning the
doorknobs of their various applications. They can’t; if they did, they’d
spend all their time responding to kids in Kuala Lumpur goofing

Finally, Coffing argued that having the schema might help an attacker
decide whether or not an attack would be profitable. A schema might tell
you, for instance, that an application deals in credit card data. The
thing is, CANVAS already tells you it’s dealing in sensitive
information: it’s the backend for processing parking tickets. You don’t
need a schema to know that CANVAS is interesting to attackers.

The judge bought my arguments. I think my attire gave me
salt-of-the-earth credibility; Coffing wore a suit.

Providing testimony was a lot of fun. I’d like to do it again
sometime. Litigation is super fascinating to watch! For example: we
wanted me to testify after Bruce Coffing, so we’d have some idea of what
arguments we needed to rebut. But we brought the FOIA case, so the
burden was ostensibly on us, and our witnesses went first. But, a-ha!
Invoking an exemption in Illinois FOIA is an affirmative defense, and
the burden of those arguments shifts to the defendant. But wait: to get
fee recovery under the law, we want to assert a willful violation of
FOIA; to make that claim, Chicago argues, the burden shifts back to us.
Ultimately, Matt Topic and Chicago compromised; Topic dropped
“wilfullness” and we got to go second.

I’m not saying this is the most interesting thing ever to have
happened, but only that if someone works out a way to use AI to make a
home version of Chancery Court trials that you can play on a
Playstation, I will rack up 10,000 hours playing that game easily.

We won. But Chicago immediately appealed. Matt Chapman didn’t get the
CANVAS schema. Two years later, the
case came before the First District Appellate Court.

The basic idea of the appeals court is that the original trial court
is the primary “trier of fact”. You appeal legal conclusions, but the
facts determined in the original case generally stand. Our bench trial
took care of questions 1 and 3. That left 2, 4, and 5. Here’s what the
appeals court found:

In considering the danger of disclosing information under FOIA,
how likely does an attack need to be?

Answer: it has to be very

The statute says “information that, if disclosed, would

Believe it or not, there’s case law on “would” versus
“could” with respect to safety. “Could” means you could imagine
something happening. But the legal standard for “would” is “clear
evidence of harm leaving no reasonable doubt to the judge”. The statute
set the bar for me very low and I managed to clear it.

Doesn’t this just
make you want to immediately drop everything and become a litigator? I
want to litigate!

Is a SQL schema a “file layout”?

If a schema isn’t source code and it isn’t a file layout, the exemption
doesn’t appear to apply at all. The verdict: “shrug emoji”. The appeals
court didn’t reach this question, because:

Does the “would jeopardize” language in the statute apply to
everything in the exemption, or just to the nearest noun “any other

Ladies and gentlemen it is time for some legal

Here’s the FOIA exemption Chicago relies on: To what does
the qualifying language at point (4) in this text refer? Is it “any
other information” (3)? Os is it “Administrative or technical
information”, meaning everything in the exemption?

If it’s the former, “any other information”, Matt has a problem. That
interpretation means things like file layouts (and
employee manuals and “load modules”, whatever those are) are per
exempt; that the Illinois legislature meant them as examples of
things that would jeopardize security.

If it’s the latter, Matt has
already won: whether or not a SQL schema is a “software” or a “file
layout” or a “load module”, we’ve already proven that it won’t
jeopardize security.

The court decides it’s the latter. Also, that I am very charming. We
win on appeal. Chicago immediately appeals again. Whatever’s in CANVAS,
they really don’t want you and I to know about it.

A year and change later, the
case is decided before the Illinois Supreme Court. And, on the
question of how to read the FOIA statute, the Supreme Court disagrees
with the appeals court. The qualifying language in the statute applies
only to “any other information”. Everything else is “per se” exempt.

We started this legal process, of challenging Chicago’s attempt to
exempt CANVAS from FOIA, with 5 questions. What happens now is that the
4th question, of whether a schema is a “file layout”, finally becomes
very important. The Illinois Supremes have just decided that “file
layouts” are per se exempt under Illinois FOIA.

Is a SQL schema a file layout? Of course not. The same SQL schema can
be used by multiple database engines, and each will use a different
underlying file layout to manage the resulting data.

The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E —
which the Illinois Supreme Court cites — describes a “file layout” as “A
description of the arrangement of the data in a file.” A SQL schema is
almost the exact opposite thing: it’s an abstraction of the data in a
file, invented specifically so you don’t have to think about how the
data is actually arranged.

Unfortunately, the Illinois Supreme Court had at their disposal a
second dictionary. In the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, a “schema”
is defined as “a structured framework or plan: outline”. “This is a
difference in name only”, said the court. Argh. Schemas are now file
layouts. We lose.

Where This Leaves Us

Obviously, we
should have won on appeal to the Illinois Supremes. If you sit on
that court, call me, we can straighten this out.

That said: today, Illinois public bodies can refuse to divulge
database schemas.

This is problematic, because more and more data is finding its way
out of file cabinets and shared drives and Word documents and into
specialized applications, where the only way to get at the underlying
data is to FOIA a database query.

Databases shouldn’t be a safe harbor for municipalities to conceal
information from the public.

But, thanks to the good people of Elgin, and also Crystal Lake
(motto: “No, Not The One From Friday the 13th”), the Illinois
legislature has an opportunity to fix this. SB0226
would add the following language to the statute:

[Public bodies] shall provide a sufficient description of the
structures of all databases under the control of the public body to
allow a requester to request the public body to perform specific
database queries.

⚡️Hell yes.⚡️

My understanding is that this bill was proposed in no small part
because Matt Chapman has steadfastly refused to shut up about this
issue, and so I’ll conclude this long piece by saying (1) obviously the
bill should pass, and (2) it should be called “The Chapman Act”.

Call your reps!

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