
Crazy New Ideas

May 2021There's one kind of opinion I'd be very...

Response Time: Vol. 41 – The Intercom Blog

You satisfy your customers, but can you satisfy our...

The ‘Treat Yo Self’ Budget — How to Splurge Without Feeling Guilty

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Enjoying life's pleasures doesn't have to derail your financial goals....

Fierce Nerds

May 2021Most people think of nerds as quiet, diffident people. In ordinary social situations they are — as quiet and diffident as the star quarterback would be if he found himself...

Trust issues: How to help customers believe your AI agent

While scanning through conversations in our team inboxes recently, I realized that there are times where customers don’t believe the responses from our AI agent Fin, even when Fin...

I Went To SQL Injection Court — Quarrelsome

Should public bodies in Illinois, like cities and school districts and sheriff’s departments, be allowed to hide information from Freedom of...

How to Balance a Full-Time Job With a Side Hustle

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Research shows that nearly a third (about 31%) of American...

A Project of One’s Own

June 2021A few days ago, on the way home from school, my nine year old son told me he couldn't wait to get home to write more of the story...

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The ‘Treat Yo Self’ Budget — How to Splurge Without Feeling Guilty

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. Enjoying life's pleasures doesn't have...

Trump Signs Executive Order Making Official Language Of U.S. Remedial English

WASHINGTON—In a move designed to promote unity and establish efficiency at the federal level, President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday making the...

Cappuccino nails, boho blouses and pilates pumps: Jess Cartner-Morley’s March style essentials | Fashion

We think before we buy these days, right? And so we damn well should. Shopping should not be a pastime. Style is eternal, not...

A Look Back at 2016

It always feels so strange on the first day of the new year to realize another 365 days has passed and be given the...

628: There’s a Certain Smell

Pre-show: Marco messed with the system Zoom F1 USB Pre 2 Schiit Jotunheim Follow-up: New “Boundless” immersive episode: Arctic Surfing Bono Autobiography Prospects for humanoid robots macOS testing (via Anonymous) With apologies...