It’s March, and winter is slowly fading away and makes space for spring to arrive. And with spring comes a spring vacation, a spring break. For this spring break, you need to pack a single thing, only one – your cat. Your cat has worked so hard during this winter, they deserve a much-needed spring break. Think about it – all our cats were our warm blankets for this entire winter, snuggling our laps and cuddling us on cold nights, keeping us warm for months. Our cats worked so hard, they obviously deserve a spring break after all this hard work in the winter.
Since you have still some space to pack more than just your cat, you can easily fit in these cat memes, which are pawfect for a spring break after a cold winter. They thaw hooman hearts with laughs and cat comedy, which is always nice to have when you’re on your way to vacation. So pack up, because we’re leaving winter behind – from now on, it’s just some feline spring break.