Warmer weather is here and more than ever before, I’ve found myself crazy determined to kick off Spring cleaning in a big way. Although I’d love to go on a mad dash through the house throwing piles of random knick knacks into a box to Goodwill, that tactic truthfully never ends well and I always find it much wiser to assess the items that I actually love the best and work down from there. I’m talking about finding those joy-sparking items that will get you through the best and worst of times.(Anyone else a huge fan of the Kon Mari method? Oh man, it gets my organizational heart thumping. I’ll probably do an entire blog post dedicated to that obsession in the future.)
Because I’ve found it so useful to keep a handful of favorite basics that can be mix-and-matched with just about anything, I thought it would be fun to put together a list of 10 workhorse wardrobe pieces that can be worn and re-worn to bits and help elevate any outfit.
Check out my video showing how to rocking these 10 basics here:
Speaking of Spring cleaning, did anyone notice that new lob I was flinging around in the video? Yeah. I chopped it all off again. Let me tell you, I feel about 100 lbs lighter and no longer under constant attack from baby hands. I’m still a little freaked out by the idea of “mom hair” but omg the freeeeeeedom!
Do you guys have all the pieces the list? Did I miss one of your must-haves? Let me know in the comments!